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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

hi ppl the day before ytd which is 11th dec we went to orchard cineleisure the ishop there to learn how to edi the video but i slept through the whole thing so it was pointless.. then ytd which is 12dec we went to shoot for the music video... it totally sucked.. the idea sucked we din lip sync or anything... so basically we couldn't be bothered to do anything and martin didn't come so we got last for the music thing.. the bass team was worse! but they still got 3rd.. they just danced like a bunch of idiots and they won us... haha although i have to admit ours was sort of like a gay story. joe who is 1 of the judges is dam funny. then after the whole shit me, jerald, shaqeilla, diyanna and most importantly roslinda who is 1 of the jj's host went to take neoprint but i didn't come up with the idea so im not gay or anything... den she also "tried to kiss jerald" for fun thats bout it bye.

8:32 pm

Sunday, December 10, 2006

I shall make a list of funny stuff or stuff i hate or anything i wanna put down.
1. Vignesh is seriously gay
2. Martin made Vignesh wet.
3. Vignesh and Vishale enjoy touching each other at certain parts.
4. Give Wai Huin a time out and he'll cry.
5. Geraldine still thinks she has a dude and not a pussy.
6. Vignesh has both a pussy and a dude.
7. He does self-fertilization.
8. Martin knows alot of sick slangs.
9. He just told me to look it up and i feel so sick right now.
10. Diyanna is funny.
11. Harie also thinks Vignesh is a gay but he doesn't wanna admit it cause it will be a bad example to us.
12. That tricky dicky...
13. Hadie is actually malay.
14. He is also muslim.
15. Harie is leaving for NS soon.
16. Friday is going to be his last day.. sad
17. I think Geraldine likes Jerald.
18. She apparently thinks Jerald's a gentleman. LOL
19. Blah
20. Im done

8:05 pm

today... i made harie wait 15min for me at dhoby ghaut mrt station.. den i found out he made a stupid mistake in his life... he was the captain of his sailing team in sec sch and the national team offered him a place and he refused... den his fren who accepted the offer now is rich.. so he gave up being rich to serve me HAHA den martin and vignesh fought den martin poured water all over him den vignesh said "see la! you made me all wet!" it was hilarious man.. den martin held back cuz vignesh is gay and he is smaller than him so... vignesh used a weapon and he still lost... the fight was funny.. lol tomorrow going for this filming course... geraldine was dressed like a maid today... vishale was being all cold today... he is so much better off being quiet... um... went to east coast for a shoot.. told us we were going to a recording studio to learn how it works and we might record and stuff... many ppl were staring at us... thats bout it bye ppl... haha shaqeilla asked me to ask some1 a question... =D think about it

7:50 pm

Saturday, December 09, 2006

today was a great day... 1stly me and jerald went to meet geraldine han at bk and dat geraldine called me an auntie when she was being cheap and wanted to rip me off.. she borrowed $3.50 from me and
said "dont worry i will pay u back 1"
i said "er.. okay?..."
den today at bk i met her and said "hey geraldine go get me a hersey sundae pie" haha i wanted a sundae pie in like 10am in the morning...
Geraldine said "i buy u dat den i dont have u pay back the rest alr hor" (the pie was $2.30)
I said "no u pay me the rest too!"
Geraldine "but i only have $5 and i know u don't have change."
i checked my wallet and the was exactly $1.50 HAHA ppl u cant rip me off... and jerald u fatty u owe me like $3 i'll get even with u tmr...
den blah blah blah....
den martin went to tell vignesh dat we all hate vishale and stuff dat he's gay and alot of stuff den the fucking gay vignesh went to tell his gay fren vishale everything... den vishale is now ignoring us... i don't really mind though but vignesh is a fucker... den vignesh kept touching martin den martin was like "if you touch me 1 more time ur gay"
den vignesh said " me and vishale always touch each other wad nth wrong wad" HAHA den me and martin was laughing our ass off la. Here are some of vignesh's favourite lines.

"Excuse me, im not gay" (gay's motto)
"Meee-yaoooo" (wtf?)
"The girls are so strong!" (HAHA stupid weakling)
"Give me back my hat yo" he enjoys saying yo i dunno why the fuck
imagine if he says "Give me back my yo-yo.. yo?" LOL
"me and vishale always touch each other wad nth wrong wad"
btw vignesh will look the same in every single episode of junior jams cuz he has been wearing the same jacket and hat since like day 1 until today... except for a few days cuz we soiled his hat so he brought another hat. i have no idea wad happened to my profile and stuff... nvm just read my post and sms me if u need to tell me stuff.. bye for now
-Murderer Clown *_*

7:31 pm

Friday, December 08, 2006

today was crap day 1stly woke up at 5.30 for junior jams.. den went to tis crap treasure hunt which we got 3rd... we would have gotten 1st if we scaled the fucking easy rock climbing shit... we had to sing a stupid country song to some 10 random ppl... and most of them were like "talk to the hand" those bastards... den after dat my group ttried the rock climbing thing we all finished it in like 5 mins den we took like 30min for the song shit like wtf?... jerald's group got 2nd o yeah check tis out jerald chickened out while doing the rock climbing thing every now take a moment to laugh at him screaming on the rope and saying i give up! lol... den after the whole junior jams crap geraldine the un-smart one asked us to go out after it den we went to bugis to eat cup noodles and go home la wtf.. and geraldine "accidentally" threw a bottle full of water onto the back of my head and she cried cuz joshua and marcus were irritating her for like the whole day by like spitting at her and making tis puke sound like "boluak" except u say it fast. and den geraldine the un-smart 1 thinks dat a guy has a pussy and dat she has a dude.. and she and diyanna went into tis like same cubicle den like we heard like screaming from inside obviously they were having quick lesbian sex inside... lol jk.. den geraldine spilled jerald's cup noodles over him den he was pissed... obviously i was laughing.. at least tmr i dun have to wake up early... o well martin jerald farhan and i have concluded vishale is gay... juz dun tell him... thx bye ppl...

- Murderer Clown *_*

9:03 pm

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Hi. Every1 im back after my modem crapped up. The Starhub asses came to fix it and it spoiled like 4hours after they fixed it... wtf?... den have been filming for junior jams for quite some time now... im currently learning drums there. im going to relink the site soon maybe right after tis post. Vignesh is gay! On Vignesh birthday jerald smashed his cake into vignesh's face den vignesh got revenged smashing jerald's face so jerald asked me to hold vignesh den he smashed another piece of cake onto vignesh's face den vignesh was pissed den after dat jerald still wasn't content so he held vignesh den joshua handed me a chicken pie and i smashed it into vignesh's face den he couldn't breathe. It was FUCKING HILARIOUS. Kelvin is a mama's boy at like 30+ and me and jerald prank called hadie. tmr going for a treasure hunt at JJ. Obviously my group will win. so other groups dont bother trying... haha cya every1

7:17 pm

Name 30 ppl, half girls half boys. Do not read the questions until u wrote all the names down
1. Chien Nie
2. Bianca
3. Yiling
4. Charmaine
5. Lejun
6. Geraldine Chia
7. Shernise
8. Marilyn
9. Naomi
10. Yingxin
11. Diyanna
12. Geraldine something
13. Jiayu
14. Shakila
15. Lois
16. Jerald
17. Alvin Tan
18. Alvin Ho
19. Louis
20. Brandon
21. Zhen Wei
22. Farhan
23. Sheng Xun
24. Kai Yuan
25. Allen
26. Edgar
27. Weng Lum
28. Marcus
29. Kok Shin
30. Jasper
1. Pick a word that best describes 18.
ALVIN HO - Flexible (Literally)
2. What is 1 related to you?
CHIEN NIE - Classmate/ Friend
3. Would 12 and 28 make a good couple?
4. What if 17 confesses his feelings to you?
ALVIN TAN - Sorry im no gay.
5. What does 10 and 22 have in common in their eating habits?
YINGXIN AND FARHAN - They both use their mouth to eat.
6. Say Something About 30
JASPER - He's not gay (i think)
7. What if you were a 3rd party between 5 and 27?
LEJUN AND WENGLUM - Too bad for 27
8. What if i didn't know 2?
BIANCA - We wouldn't have our number 1 fan
9. Which music singer/band does 11 favours?
DIYANNA - im not sure
10. Did 23 ever made you cry?
SHENGXUN - yeah i cried of too much laughter
11. What is 21 to you?
ZHENWEI - Classmate/Friend
12. Did you ever hated 16?
JERALD - Dumb question
13. What if 20 and 4 quarrelled?
BRANDON AND CHARMAINE - It would be over something stupid
14. Select a emoticon that suits 25.
ALLEN - The guy thats flipping his dick up and down
15. Would 29 make a good boyfriend/girlfriend to you?
KOKSHIN - i don't think so...
16. Randomly take any 3 numbers from 1- 10 and add them, who is it and whats you deepest impression of him or her?
1, 5, 6 - 12
GERALDINE SOMETHING - U don't have a pussy, do u?
17. Select a cartoon character that best suits 26.
EDGAR - The Muffin Man
18. Who would take the place of number 1 if she was not part of your life?
CHIEN NIE - some other girl that likes panic! at the disco and wants to be band manager and is gd at gymnastics
19. What does 19 look like?
LOUIS - A square head guy
20. Whats the resemblence of 21 and the powerpuff girls?
ZHEN WEI - Everything except zhen wei prefers being scandily clad
21. Is 3 an important person?
YILING - i guess so
22. Select an idiom to describe 22.
FARHAN - Too lazy to think of 1
23. What is 9 favourite phrase used?
NAOMI - Im not a guy
24. Do you know 7's parents?
25. Name a song to describe 10.
YINGXIN - Sexy Back
26. If you had a chance to date 15, would you?
LOIS - I don't really know her.
27. Would you go on a cruise with 8?
MARILYN - I'll pass.
28. When is 24's birthday?
KAIYUAN - I forgot its either in september or october.
29. How would you start your msn chat with 14?
30. When was the last time you met 6?
GERALDINE CHIA - Since like a month and a half.
Now List 8 ppl to do this survey.
Any1 who wanna do den do.

6:13 pm

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

hi every1... im back... went to jerald's house to trick or treat with stephanie, ying xin, erica and minjun.. and yeah we got lots and lots of candy... and i still haven't finish it yet... it was so nice... although it rained... and we got candy from florence lian!!!(the singapore idol judge) cool huh? and i got an email saying dat i wud be shooting for some band thing... and dat im going to be in the intro with jerald and alvin how cool is dat!!! ok gtg cyazzz

8:06 pm

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

man! i posted alr but it somehow got deleted... wtf... er... went to jerald's house last friday i think... den watch the mcr dvd... dam nice la... den naomi came over den we watched the office and two and a half men... the office is dam funny la... haha den naomi started reading tis book called invisible trade bout sex and stuff la... and she was dam engrossed in it =X haha now she's going to whack me/ kick me/ step on my toe/ grab a pillow and throw it at me... den i read it too haha it was quite interesting... lol... i read the 1st story den nvr read liao... jerald like reads it everyday la... den on sat went for gym... den sunday went for bass lessons den i stayded till like 5.30 with jerald juz to see naomi have her 1st lessons la haha it was dam funny la... i smsed her saying me and jerald went home alr... lol erm... den we played with alvin's drum teacher... he is fucking pro... we played... the ghost of you and im not okay... nice... den on monday i got my results la... dam lousy... sian... my total average for sa2 is 63 dats all u get to know... the aero green farm sux.... the lettucinno taste disgusting... u can alr tell from the gay name they gave it dat it sux... lettucinno... retarded.... ok bb

8:32 pm

Sunday, October 15, 2006

ok blogging now... erm.... went to jerald's house on thursday... din bother to bring my bass and amp cuz its dam heavy... den jerald started using my phone to sms naomi lots of crap den i din bother... den naomi came over... den she was damn engrossed in tis book called invisible trade (its a book bout lots of sex) den i started reading it later... DAMN it was gd... its jerald's book... its pretty obvious he reads it before he sleeps so dat he can... haha jkjk den ytd went to gymnastics... learning backflip... swing to handstand on p bar... roughly liddat... den later have bass lessons... haha naomi is joining guitar there... gonna laf at how she holds the guitar... ok bb

10:55 am

ok blogging now... erm.... went to jerald's house on thursday... din bother to bring my bass and amp cuz its dam heavy... den jerald started using my phone to sms naomi lots of crap den i din bother... den naomi came over... den she was damn engrossed in tis book called invisible trade (its a book bout lots of sex) den i started reading it later... DAMN it was gd... its jerald's book... its pretty obvious he reads it before he sleeps so dat he can... haha jkjk den ytd went to gymnastics... learning backflip... swing to handstand on p bar... roughly liddat... den later have bass lessons... haha naomi is joining guitar there... gonna laf at how she holds the guitar... ok bb

10:55 am

Thursday, October 12, 2006

ok... very long post liao... 1month and a day... er... exams were juz over so gonna play dota with brandon, sx, edgar, ck, zp, fy, sh and jon all day long... the exams were quite easy la... except for geog which i think i gonna get a C or B... sian... going to finally finalize the band name soon... er... going to play a new genre of rock... going to get a guitarist... going to get a keyboardist or maybe not... i dunno... ok tis post is short and sweet... bb

10:35 am

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

hi every1... er... today stay back for geog ssp den... the damn survey was retarded.. i put my name as kevin chee den i shade the answers all got pattern 1... ccb ccb ccb ccb ccb... lol too bad no knnccb... walao today i barely escaped from mr lew... i din finish the mock exam 3 den i hand up to him personally den i walk away den he call me go back den i tot hhe wan scold me den he compliment me say all my working in order say to keep up the gd work... LOL den i was like ok... haha so heng... er... ipw was like stupid... i failed my geog... i dun really care aniways... geog sux... i dun think i will ever need to noe how rocks form... or how rivers form... mr lam is funny... his fren is pro in driving cars
ok have tuition now... cyazzz

6:53 pm

Friday, September 08, 2006

ok very long nvr post liao and now posting cuz some inconsiderate person keeps spamming me to post... ok... have been dotaing for almost everyday... den sat thursday after teacher's day go back to sms(st michael sch) to visit my teacher... den onli saw jerald cuz we agreed to go together and thx to him we were so late dat all our p6 frens alr left so onli can see the teacher =.= nice 1 jerald... den after dat go to plaza sing cuz jerald wanted to meet bianca and her frens there... and i cannot believe jerald is actualli in council la... nvm den we started saying dat bianca has some black stuff on her nose den every1 played along den she was like covering her nose and walking around the whole plaza sing... so retarded rite? den she went to toilet to see den she came out den she was like ROAR!!! lol so funny la den go kfc... cuz jerald wanted to eat his post lunch... =.= den after dat i went to jerald's house... den watch family guy... lol dam funny sia... den i stayed over... the next day he got tuition so i went along with him den it was near alvin tan's place so we went to meet at thompson plaza den we got tired of the place after 2min so went to ride bicycle at bishan den we got tired of riding after 1 round so we went to his house den i fooled around with the drums until jerald was done den we all went to jerald's house... and tis post is fucking long... den... watch family guy den we used alvin's phone secretly to sms charlotte dat he loves her and crap den i think up til now he dunno... we gonna tell him on his birthday as a gift to him... den went home the next day... den dat the played lots of dota... den the next day went for bass lessons... yay my teacher teaching me slap bass now... den the next day play more dota... den went to play lan on... dunno when la at amk with edgar and alvin and my bro and 2 of his frens and alvin's fren... lol we won my bro and his frens alvin's fren dunno how play den alvin oso dunno how play so me and edgar help them... so it was 4v3... den we won... went home kena scolded by my mum cuz nvr tell her b4 going out... den my bro nvr kena because he take his textbooks go out den say he go library study with his frens.. wtf la... sian... so now cannot go out house liao... nvm still can play dota... now i go try play o2 jam... cyazzz

1:04 pm

Sunday, August 27, 2006

lol today my guitar teacher say i very bad cuz i always give him metal songs... lol den jerald's teacher say i always chose those kind of devil soongs... metal is nice la... Avenged Sevenfold!!!!! den alvin's msg inbox is dam filled with charlotte's msgs la den jerald said theres a few msgs saying i miss you den i miss talking to u.. so disgusting sia... *puke* alvin... tsk tsk... still say u like a girl called serene... ffrom chij.. den last time was from msg... i mean mgs... ok nvm cyaazzz

8:03 pm

Friday, August 25, 2006

hi... today edgar kissed a girl on the skull... haha dam funny la we playing soccer with e5 den sum girl, from e5 i think, go chiong after the ball den she bang into edgar's mouth la den he bleed alot of blood la den both of them fall den like every1 on the field was like laffing... the girl oso dam extra la... haha stupid allen... miss 3 shots... zhen wei played well though... he saved alot... den i got 38.5/ 50 for chinese wooo... i improved by 24.5 marks... pro not? haha ok cyazzz....

7:36 pm

Thursday, August 24, 2006

today stupid sia... charlotte fa zuo... haha i think she purposely 1 la... den can skip literature ytd oso liddat... den mrs tobias tell us bout tis guy whose spine kena twisted at the tailbone dere den the mother had to shove her hand up his ass and turn the bone... i wonder how big is his asshole la... den ms ilan started being all siding grenn cuz of charlotte and jiayu la... say dunno wad crap den ms ilan shout at geraldine... haha den im gonna fail science... wooo gym was like so short la... and the tramboline din break at all la... mrs tobias anyhow say 1... ok cyazzz...

10:02 pm

Friday, August 18, 2006

fuck it man... chinese test was retarded... mr lew is gone... ms liew sux though... the prob is maths... y cant we juz use a calculator... or y cant sum1 invent a calculator dat works for the stuff dat calculator cant do... stupid rite?... math test shiok sia... i get so many question correct... den english test i got 40/50... nice... i got sticker leh!!! (u might say... chey sticker nia... at least i have sticker u dun have unless u have la... den fine...) since p2 den i got sticker... lol... ok... er...today literature all my answer were dam similar... haha retarded sia... alvin lost his phone or rather it got stolen... cuz his bag was actualli besides mine but den after we go look for mr yeo it was on another bench... which meant sum1 muz have touched his bag... how sad... haha and i noe literature test wad poem cuz chih gang fren's teacher tell them den his fren tell him den he tell me den i tell a few ppl... den after alvin lost his phone... dominic, qian hui, alvin and i were like looking for it... den they ended up playing bball... den i went to play soccer with e5 and e2.. den louis sort of sprained his finger... eh fuck during gym on thursday when i doing handstand the coach go extra go pull me up den ended up pulling my pants down but i was upside down so like... its up... den alvin holding me on the bar den he laf laf laf i ask he oi pull it up la!!! den he continue laffing... wtf... den alot of sec3 girl see... but its not all the way down/ up... asshole la u alvin... lol... lucky sec1 nvr see... so heng... ok cya....

7:33 pm

Monday, August 14, 2006

hi... i saw sylvester sim on sunday at newton circus sia... his hair is black with like shades of pink sia... kinda gay.. and nice... haha den he wearing Lucify t-shirt... o yeah i went to watch the fireworks on sunday... quite nice actualli... er... today was retarded stupid mdm lau... talk so much crap... nth btr to do call us go down read book =.= cannot read in class ar... and den stupid ms talib everytime no pe... everytime make me bring shirt for nth... reccess sucked.. english was retarded... some dumb ppl juz found out dat princess diana died long long ago... paparazzi... looks like the word pizza... nvm bout dat... den aesthetic i ACCIDENTALLY painted alvin's shirt black.. sry bout dat... =X ok... grenn scared me today... she stand behind me sia... so dam scary... and smelly... ok cyazzz

8:03 pm

Friday, August 11, 2006

sian.. so long nvr post cuz bzi playing DotA... er... o yeah last sat went for gig... sian la... so stupid... we were at united square den i wanted to buy guitar strap den they say go over to st mikes den later come back =.= den i nvr buy... den the performance was early by 30mins... wtf? den i had to run all the way back to united square to buy the strap... retarded... so jiayu geraldine and shernise din see... lol... wasted trip... :P den... after dat go united square with junying, blodwen, charlotte and jerald... den after jy and blodwen left me and jerald started creating songs bout charlotte being FAT we changed the lyrics to dammit, all the small things and candy shop... LOL or rather char kway teow shop... 0.o den national day was retarded... shall not post... cuz mostly spent whole day dota-ing den today... er... o ya lejun y u so funny? grenn and weiling almost fight sia... i think grenn will win... her ultimate move is she has a 500m radius around her so if u go inside the circle u will minus health... den weiling sure die man.. she oso can make u smell her.... pro sia... i think i oso lose... she go get job as international wrestler hor... walao sure get champion sia... den all the other wrestler resign cuz the locker room will smell like shit la... i think she shit liao hor den she use her arm to wipe it den nvr wash it... den always smelling her arm... u go see in class la... she always smelling her arm 1.... it sort of helps her to sleep... LOL ok go eat liaoz.. cyazzz...

7:18 pm

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

haha i found a way to defeat the whole purpose of ms nai changing my place... when its not her period i change to my old place den when its her period i change back... lol... ok saturday i have a gig at my primary sch... its not exactly confirm yet though =X er... juz now went back to primary sch... met jerald and naomi.. den met sum gays there... julien, yustynn, jeremy chitty and si wai... din like expect them to be there though... mr lew is retarded as his explainations are simply not understandable... ms tay is retarded... she ask us stay back after sch to do presentation la... wtf?... den today we had english presentation den every1 was writing crap bout every1 else... i think... 2-3 groups wrote bout me... 0.o ok cyazzz

8:07 pm

Friday, July 28, 2006

ytd was my bday... mr lew show off sia la say u put on 9kg of muscles... more like 9kg of fats la... bet u were the 1 dat told ms nai to change my place... u ********** **** u la... u son of a ***** bet u were dumped by ur biological mum cuz she din like ur face... u ****** den gimme 3 demerits summore... u nth better to do rite? cb kia... go lick ur mum's cb la... stupid fatty put 9kg of fats den pass it off as muscles... cb....

4:39 pm

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

well... my dam com broke down... so nvr post... actualli u dun have to come to my blog to read my post like wad u doing... u can actualli go to my links and read other ppl's post and pretty much find out bout wad happens in my life... nvm read on aniwaes... i made my new ez link card... erm... sheng xun cheated on napfa and got 1st and his timing is like 10mins... den my bdays tomolo... go get me sumthing gd now if u haven... haha jk... er... o yeah the next gig is... on the band's site... u can go check it out... eh alvin if ur reading tis... i not sure if ur gonna sing... we might not be even playing holiday... see 1st la... i lost my guitar cable... left it at school of rock... o ya i changed place liao now siting at the back... infront of cn and marilyn... behind louis and allen... beside stinky, ugly, fat, retarded, nobody likes u at all monster... (grenn) and im siting beside alvin... ermm... today meet huang lao shi den i tell him i wanna quit den he look at me like he very sad liddat den i act very sad and sry... den the teacher in charge of gym say i can join... den i got the transfer form liao den juz nid autographs from teachers now... sian... im using a crappy moniter instead of my lcd now... =( dam sucky sia the grafix...) nvm o yeah... my bdays tomolo if u missed the 1 on top... and my bday is tomolo if u missed the 1 before tis... haha okok cyazzz... cant believe u wasted ur time reading tis... jk cyazzz

5:46 pm

Sunday, July 16, 2006

fuck la... i lost my dam wallet... fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck... my ez link... my $$$ =( den go sentosa... haha so fun... den there was tis game den they were suppose to guess the chen yu(4chinese words which makes no sense to me) den took a lot a lot of pic... haha den after dat we go play cs with edgar haha den geraldine team with him den i team with alvin den edgar does everything la... haha geraldine juz distract... geraldine juz chiong den edgar snipe from behind den win le... sian... fuck the person hu took my wallet and nvr give me back... o well... stay tuned to see if i get my wallet and the guitar pick in my wallet back... cyazzz...

8:11 pm

Saturday, July 15, 2006

haha ytd was ok... after sch go co.. den during break go spin spin at the thingy behind sch... den huang lao shi tell us we can skip co for ytd onli so dam shiok... den i ask geraldine how come grenn everytime hang with them now den she say grenn PAYS THEM to like shit next to them and stuff wtf? haha i guesss she has no frens so she has to resort to bribery... wad a loser... muz pay so can do stuff ppl... hey grenn if ur reading tis i have a better proposal... use some deodourant =.= den after dat weng lum me lejun bianca and geradine went behind sch to spin spin spin again haha.. so nice... den every1 felt like puking after dat... haha ok cyazzz...

9:44 am

Sunday, July 09, 2006

haizz... juz came back from a gig... haha so fun...went to united square for another gig today... the next gig is the ndp gig and den after ndp gig is the mooncake festival gig... come if u wan =) ok bianca charlotte and shanice went haven seen shanice in long long time liao haha den the owner guy was giving away guitar picks as prizes la and each pick cost like 30 cents... wtf? den we play songs... den after dat went to macs... den bianca dun wan eat den i was like think of the hungry children in africa... den i was like dedicate tis piece of chicken to the hungry children of africa!!! den i ate soo much dat until now i still feel like puking... den we made alvin take home the rest of the chicken which we din finish... haiz... wanna puke... and er... tis week... nth much lar... o ya maths i finish in 2mins so im so fucked... ok cyazzz *puke*

6:19 pm

Monday, July 03, 2006

today was stupid.... if u alr read charlotte's version of the story i muz tell u its 99% fake the daytona thing is she win scott by luck 1 she juz won scott by like a few metres onli la lucky onli den the 2nd time she lost haha she was last... how pathetic... she so noobish and i 1st ar!! =P scott 2nd or 3rd not sure... den during the movie bianca kept like making loud sounds den like we had to tell her to shut up... =.= the movie is just my luck btw... den mcfly songs are quite nice... den... o ya after movie we go arcade... den play daytona den go take neoprint... haha put flower on jerald's head and a tiara on alvin's haha den... go outside cinelesure sit tis mini viking den every1 except charlotte was laffing at charlotte la haha she kept screamming den alvin took a video lol... if u wan see den i send u or show u la or maybe alvin going to post it on youtube... den after dat bianca alvin and i went to jerald's house... den we played tis lame bmx scooter... den jerald took off his pants... in front of bianca... haha ok cyaz...

8:47 pm

Sunday, July 02, 2006

sian leh nth much to post bout... actualli not realli juz lazy... ok er... lets see where i stopped from... ok... youth day celebration... haha i go den the councillor nini ask me to do sumthink... she ask me check if the girls who wear skirt the skirt is above knee length den ask me not to peek den say she noe i very pervert 1 den i was like since i pervert den u still ask me do =.= den i was like go ask ger do la siao ar ask guy do... den our class onli 1/10 of the ppl wear home clothes... =.= and our geography teacher ms lau is like super hyperactive la when she came into our class she was like openning the door when it was alr open so she like locked it so she go open again haha den during lecture mr lee wanted to off den lights den she was like running towards the switches saying i'll get it i'll get it den i was omg... so hyperactive den mr lee wanted to off sum aircons den she was like i'll get it i'll get it =.= siao la but den u see her being hyper hor u sure laf 1 lolx... den back to youth day the concert... haha i din noe mr yeo singing so gd de cuz in class he always sing those kind of wayang kind of songs... haha... den... ytd went for band practise... haha alvin and i went to take the pellet gun and shot jerald's tits with it HAHA den he was wearing a sum41 shirt den alvin was like aim for the 41 aim for the 41... den he shot his wart or wadever u call it... i juz call it a mozzie (a infected infectious infecting infection) haha den we played sum songs.. den alvin was like 2 hours late for scouts... den today juz now went for bass haha my teacher was calling the school of rock owner a fucker and a aqua yay he agrees with me and alvin... the owner guy even puts on make-up la wtf... and den he dressed like a clown today his shirt was like dam colourful... =.= dat all... cyazzz

2:55 pm

Sunday, June 25, 2006

hey every1 its time to bring out the party poppers cuz mr lew is not our form teacher animore WOOO nai lao shi is the form teacher ^^ time to bully the form teacher... fucken lew is gone finally the fucked up bastard can leave 1e1 for gd too bad hes gonna teach us math and ce... o yeah tis whole week went back to sch to do projects... dunno wtf to do with the dance project though... dun care la den it finish liao... haha actualli wanted to do sum concert thingy but den too plain liao den i brought my pure black guitar to sch... =.= waste my effort... got so many stares on the road la... den do daniel powter bad day actualli wanna make fun of it den dunno wad happen dun wanna make fun of it... 0.o den our group help alvin do his vid... its about stupid stuff... den timmy and lumpy act in the daniel powter thing den louis act as daniel actualli i suppose to act with cn haha den i say i wanna go do the zhss site den weng lum change liao den i say dun wanna do the site so go do the thingy haha am i smart or wad ^^ tricked weng lum... :P den liddat lor juz now went to peninsula the guitars dere dam nice... i wanna save up for strings or maybe i buy a nice strap from there or both... haha being lame here... cyazzz

4:58 pm

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

last sunday went to united square... den me and alvin started doing stupid stuff while waiting for jerald den some celebs came outside the sch of rock den started filming a show like psc nite or sumthink den saw jeff wang and erica lee den 2 other celebs i dunno... den jerald finally finished den we practised for a while den we saw a monk, charlotte yiling and joey... haha jk the monk is bianca she is not a monk... or is she?... stayed tuned to find out.... den went to pasta mania to eat... den alvin started being depressed cuz he dumped joyce =.= den i was like if ur depressed den get back together den hes like... i dun wan to... den im like okay.... 0.o ur weird den we started eating our pizza... den started chatting with a cup of tea like wad adults do since were so mature and stuff... den we went to get our equipment and tune it... den... went to sit at the stage den go starbucks den bought coffee and sat down like adults cuz we are... haha and den started discussing bout political stuff... u noe... like er... y mr lee did dat and y mr goh did not do dat... and yeah.... den we go the stage and den saw tis 7 year old drummer hu is like dam dam dam pro... like better den alvin tan la so fast... den jerald had a like surprise thingy he had to sing boulevard of broken dreams lol and he sux in singing green day stuff la haha den the band performing with him like totalli sux cock the girl guitarist looked like a fag den she used a avenged sevenfold guy's guitar la (according to jerald) cb... the guitar dam nice den she so... haiz 4get it den it was our turn >< liao =".="" come =".="">

8:40 am

Saturday, June 17, 2006

went to band practise on wed... den made fun of alvin's gf... haha den alvin went to tpye to his gf dat jerald masturbates( which is actualli true if u dunno) and dat he's gay( which he actualli is btw) haha den after dat alvin had drum classes so i went to jerald's house... den we made the piczo site den i stayed overnight at his place... den at night jovel came to hear us play but no drums... =/ so sounds stupid la... den we more or less completed the piczo site go tag me but dun tag the rest of the band cuz jerald's ugly... alvin's ugly... im pretty much the onli cool guy on the band... haha

9:25 pm

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

ytd went back to sch... den do the dam site with jordan jia chin and charlotte den make the music... den go see sum sites... den as usual the same person will acbc... den liddat lor o yeah having a gig on sunday with jerald and alvin TAN... at united square... 5- 7... cyazszz

12:04 pm

Friday, June 02, 2006

ytd din feel like posting cuz nth to say... today was okay... use com in the morning... den watched sum farni videos of mark hoppus on youtube... den go grandparents hse... den go for co... den met louis at the gate... den wait wait wait... den nvr practise today at all haha cuz 1 senior go sabah 0.o sumthink to do wif sch de lar... den other senior go cello there tok to fren... wtf... den we play lor den we started to push shenghong to evelyn haha... den ying jie push so hard den shenghong hit evelyn den she fall HAHA den ying jie went to hide evelyn's blowing thingy for the instrumentden we started saying it was in shenghong's pants den she muz reach inside... HAHA den we called shenghong bo lan den ying jie is dua lan den joshua is xiao lan HAHA i no nickname :P den i saw the guy dat sat on bird shit haha den we started making fun of him den i called him dua lan den he like wtf is dua lan den we told him the meaning... den he was like ....... haha den we started laffing... den go home... den zuo sai!!! woo my fav thing to do... ok cyazzzz

10:38 pm

Thursday, June 01, 2006

ytd... went to bring my bro to badminton early in the morning den i come back home when i actualli suppose to go my grandparents hse hehe cuz i wanna use com mah... den nobody at home... den play maple cuz dam sian... haha go do quest den get 60% scroll for dagger att sia!! wooo 2.2mil... den get 10% scroll for shoe jump woooo! another 700k shiok man... den go bring him to grandparents hse... dam sian... den i call alvin ask if he wanna watch xmen... den he call geraldine they all den they say they wanna go play badminton... den we go to a badminton court near sch and play... den play a while den dun play liao haha... den go home =.= den lidddat lor... den today brought my bro go badminton den come back and blog... HAHA o ya remember to vote in my poll and scroll down theres 2polls... ok cyazzz... later maybe going to watch xmen 3 ^^

10:45 am

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Hated Teacher Poll
1st Place: Mdm Liang
2nd Place: Mr Singh/ Ms Tay
3rd Place: Mr Ong

10:28 am

ytd was interesting... haha... went to j8 with jerald and yiling cuz yiling wanted to buy a microphone for the msn so can tok... u noe dat thing... den we met( in order or height) shernise, lejun, marilyn, clarissa... haha jerald said dat clarissa head was shaped like a guava... den we started to happen to go to the same place as them... lol... den they escaped cuz jerald go tok to his fren... den me and jerald decided to buy a present for shernise... i bought a white turtle soft toy... den he bought a lot of sweets from mini toons den while finding them we ate a quater of it =X nice... den go popular... giv present... den jerald go buy his pen... den he to tuition... den he bring marilyn go the mrt station... hm... HMMMMM... haha den go home take a nap... den watch tv... watch tv... den go home... den watch more tv... den sleep... cyazzz...

10:07 am

Monday, May 29, 2006

sat cannot post ytd oso cannot post... so retarded... anyways... sat... nth much happen... go orchard early in the morning... for i dunno wad reason... until dam late... den go out for dinner at raffles town club... den go home! den slp... den wake up... den brush teeth... den.. crap crap crap den go for tuition... den go for bass! o yeah fuck u jerald... anyhow say i like lejun when u think she chio... cb... den go home... den go eat steamboat... den go home.... den slp... den wake up den brush teeth... den crap crap crap den go grandparents hse... den go j8 for fun... den saw charlotte... with esther bt din wanna like go there... den go for oral... exam... not oral sex... dun anyhow think lar... den sux la i kept saying then den the teacher big big eye see me den i was like ran hou... haha.... den stay back play soccer with reynold fren... we had to climb over the fence cuz the indian lady went to lock the door den we play play play... den the indian lady came back den open door say vp coming or sumthink... den geraldine vandalize the floor so the gers faster chao... den... we oso go lor... den go 7eleven... den buy stuff... den go back grandparents hse... den go home... den type post... den watch tv...

8:37 pm

Friday, May 26, 2006

today was quite fun... started off wif 2whole periods of nth... den we go watch a few plays in the auditorium haha dam farni den my senior was there lol... he dam tam jia seh... he the narrator la den during the play he halfway bringing back the props dat time he go eat the cheezels... wtf... den eat too much den cannot narrate... den after dat we go watch a drumming thingy haha dam farni... lx was sitting infront of elvina... den when the guy beat the drum dat time his head will move de! LOL! den go recess... play soccer wif sec3... den go back class... den we go push lx to elvina bt den they run run run den we lazy run liao... den alvin go try pull shernise de ponytail den chase den giv up... den go ipw...den i try pull her ponytail... den dunno wad... HAHA den we go push louis den he bang into lois de... er... ahem chest... den go back class spring cleaning... den go 7eleven... den go co... haha i went to play soccer wif allen and den the other ppl go play bball... den shenghong go chase evelyn to the wall den his hand at her shoulder dere haha!!! den evelyn almost fall down so she grab onto shenghong's shirt sia!! omg... btw if u dunno shenghong's a guy... yeah... den after dat we go ajc!!! haha so farni lor i was dam bored so i started making fart sounds wif my mouth den louis and weng lum started laffing like shit den bianca and chien nie started laffing... den i recorded it on my phone... if u wanna hear it can ask from me i can send u haha... den jerald told me on the mrt dat we were going to record our band at kovan... and dunno wad crap la... den no more liao lo... cyazzz

10:34 pm

Thursday, May 25, 2006

today was okayy... we went to bball court to watch the guyz and gals play against other class... den gals trash other class... especially the last 1... i think bout 34-0 sia lol... den mr lew stand at the side so din tei lor... xtra nia... den guyz lost la... aiya cuz chih gang nvr come cuz he scared he kena hair cut cuz he tot today hav spot check mah... lolz... i oso tot hav so i try push the hair to the side cuz the back quite long mah... den dun hav spotcheck... wtf? den i was like heng... den later recess... den hav tis world day thingy la... haha we all had to burst a balloon cuz if answer the question correctly den muz burst balloon if wrong den muz forfeit which is dam... ok alvin answer wrong so they take a plate full of flour den juz say eh come here den PIAK!!! his face all flour sia!!! haha... den shernise kena!!! bt her 1 quite easy la... juz find the sweet in the plate full of flour... bt den she dunno how to blow the flour away stick her face into the flour... smart hor? =.= den get report bk i dam heng again la i 30th post... if 31st hor den mr lew will wanna meet my parents... so i dam heng... den go for co... lx and evelyn join co sia... haha lx same instrument as me den evelyn same as jiayu... aiya den nth liao lor... except dat tis new 1e5 guy not realli new la he started saying sick jks... haha quite funni la ok cyazzz

7:58 pm

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

today was like ok i think... my bro left for china early in the morning woo ^^ he's not gonna be back for 10 days!!! i have the com to myself muahahaha... ok... 1stly we had pe... den ms talib caught me talking and made me go up say the rules for netball =.= stupid la... den we had sci... ky got scolded lol... den we had literature... almost fell asleep man... sux lor... den recess... den... chinese... had oral crappy thing... den math... mr lew let us watch men of honour... he likes showing true stories cuz they are... well... TRUE how retarded... the movie sux... so retarded lor the action part so dam dark... and den b4 the movie he's like " tis movie has some coarse language bcuz its in the navy so i hope u will ignore it..." den we were all like... dude... SO? its not like we nvr hear the word FUCK b4... den we had english... lol alvin kena conversation wif ms ilan... haha... den he like dunno wad to say lor lol... den we had history den me and alvin pull hong ren pants down den he cry... =.= den me and alvin in the toilet la cuz we like o shyt wad to do wad to do den i lying against the wall den suddenly hong ren come walking to the toilet like dam fast alvin behind me so hong ren came after me la wtf... asshole la u alvin... cb... stand behind me... den hong ren like try to strangle me... den i was like walking back cuz i dun wanna hit him cuz he alr crying mah... den brandon hold him back den i was like wtf man? den he go cry more in 1 cubicle... aiya sry la hong ren... take it easy la onli pull ur pants down u oso always pull brandon pants down... anyways it was brandon idea juz so u noe... ok cyazzz

4:33 pm

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

haha today was so dam fun... we had to sell soft toys so me and allen wanna play soccer so allen throw away his soft toy den i give mine away to a stranger dunno even noe hu dat person so like we pay lor cuz dat fucked up lew alr made me pay $3 so pay $1 to play 1 hr of soccer worth it la den we play den during upper sec reccess we play wif sec3... i think we lost... by like 1 or 2 goal la... den we go back class den 1e2 showing white chicks so we over and watch lor den we AHEM until dam loud den suddenly their teacher come den we all chiong back!!! haha den after sch we play wif 1e5 sia got 1 guy very pro sia better den allen... jia hao or sumthink liddat aiya he very pro correct liao... den we trash them 4-1 or 3-1 dunno not very sure i score 1 sia den allen score 2 lol... he got so many chance lor -.- haiz... den we play wif sec3 i think we won oso la... the score is very close i think... den they wanna ram reynold de face cuz he play rough la den he keeper sia den they ram ram ram lor... lol... den very sian actualli wanna continue wan bt den jun da and reynold got volleyball so we play until a while without dem den we go home le... haiz... anyways dun think we can win interclass 11 a side soccer cuz er... got sum ppl quite noob la... we play wif 1e5 dat time is all our top players except 1 or 2 nt there lor... haiz... cyazzzz

5:47 pm

Monday, May 22, 2006

today was fucking dumb... once again i h8 mr lew... fuck u tall, white, boring, assholish, fucked up cuz ur wife h8s u, bastard... make me spend $3 on a damn soft toy anyways im gonna throw it away any1 wans it juz ask me lor... if not i throw away liao hor... and den... sci i finish the thing liao haha anyhow do de... den english... o ya we had foto shoot lol liuxin ah liuxin how can u betray elvina and evelyn... go and smell grenn... haha me and alvin during the informal we push him foward cuz grenn juz infront of him mah... lolz so fun... den i think liuxin will look like he giving grenn love bite liddat =X den during mathematics or rather ce dat tall, white, boring, assholish, fucked up cuz ur wife h8s u, bastard made me buy a stupid soft toy cuz louis broke it dat asshole at least i made him pay like $1 =.= cb la i pay $2 idiot mr lew or rather fucked up lew idiotic man den mr singh nvr come so i went to pull brandon pants down den the buckle break AGAIN lol find le la eh i find de leh den we went to push liu xin den he BANG elvina sia... summore he like nvr fight back liddat like so willing to bang her sia... haiz... den nai lao shi test every1 oral... den i went to brandon seat and talk talk talk... liuxin... u flirt... haha den go home lor haha i ditched allen and edgar sry la i lazy walk all the way to field den summore no1 walk wif me dam boring de lehz u noe? anyways u probably not reading dis cuz u 2 mapling... =.= and on the bus dat time liuxin kept smsing elvina sia me and kok shin talk so much den he sit at 1 corner sms sms sms... hm... wtf r u up to sia.... u flirt... peace out anyways... cya!

3:10 pm

Sunday, May 21, 2006

4:21 pm

Saturday, May 20, 2006

haha tis my bass.. nice? >.<

10:09 am

Friday, May 19, 2006

today was stupid... ms tay is an idiot... so dam stupid... she takes the 1st 2 periods and the 1st 2 periods were used today to check marks den she came to our class and mr lew said it was sincerity more like stupidity la =.= if 1st 2 periods are used den are there like anymore time for her? obviously not rite stupid potato head woman... den she took our pe away cuz she tot it was her period when it was like the 3rd period den she almost wanted to take away the 4th period which was ok cuz i h8 chinese and i passed my literature WOOO cuz i got 47 den plus 5 mark so 52 ^^ shiok man! now i fail maths onli stupid mr lew haiz... den there was foto taking den we used the imacs... we play the picture... haha quite funni la den we went to kik grenn the box until dented haha stupid fat black ugly smelly bitch... den go chinese orchestra is dat how u spell it? well i dunno.... cyazzz...

8:59 pm

Thursday, May 18, 2006

5:48 pm

today was ok i guess... 1stly we had math... stupid boring tall irritating freak was going through the papers and dat fucked up charlotte had to shout my name when mr lew asked hu did all and failed fucking charlotte im gonna back at u juz u wait... stupid bitch... den had stupid lame periods... den we had english... ms ilan said my compo was outta point... wtf? it was gd... it was much more interesting den any of the compos she read out la... all the others ppl sleep 1 lor stupid lar... ms ilan can be IRRITATING at times... bt not as stupid boring tall irritating freak la aiya dun care bout dat asshole liao...

4:16 pm

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


4:28 pm

today was a sucky day... 1stly i failed my maths and mr lew is a fucker... dun even noe how he found out... nvm i got 59/100 for history a number of ppl fail, 29/50 for english quite a number of ppl failed too 73/100 for science the class did quite well for tis... crap cannot remember sia... chinese i got 55/110 ^^ heng man bout 30% fail? den math i got 43 =.= ya la i sux la i h8 math and mr lew anyways... dat stupid nerd... stupid face stupid everything lar... den literature oso fail... i think like 80% of the class fail man... stupid lor... den dats bout it lor... i cant remember literature... not my fault... and still today we sit in auditorium tok crap wif allen tok in ang moh accent... haha so farni den the stupid english teacher farni man... mr noel koh say sumthink den she will nod her head like dam farni la den allen english vocab is limited xP my parents will kill me although i did ok... sure kill 1 la dunno if can go out liao sia... dammit... cyazzz

3:41 pm

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

hi every1... juz came back from allen's hse... alvin weng lum me and louis spent like the whole day dere sia... haha den we played pool and went to watch sum funni stuff on youtube like... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aiHJgvlTu4 haha go watch it its dam funny... and tis too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjjvUO4xxlQ dam funny man i tell u... den at allen's house hor i wear the pants dere dam loose la so i like keep pulling up den those alvin dat asshole went to pull down... =.= den i try pull his 1 but his 1 quite tight so cannot den weng lum wear those pants like the pe pants liddat so i go pull down haha... i dun even noe y we did dat... xD pool was so fun la alvin and i kept winning louis and weng lum the score was like 3-1 O.o and they onli won cuz we aciidentally hit in the black balll =.= stupid lor... den we play "tournament" haha den 1st time i 4th >.< href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFKpriH8s0g">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFKpriH8s0g and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSKvUtEgAxU and the next few and in parts k? part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukUenjyPXQU and part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdWgOtJkOl4 and part 3... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1duOzmQRR8 and another 1... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfBHJsI2OpI part 2 of it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6keevgU6-M ok dats bout it

7:06 pm

yesterday was okayy i guess... some ppl stayed back to play soccer and bball... i went to play soccer haha... later i post the pics of zhen wei and brandon's ass when they fell on mud/ wet places... haha so funny... den later me alvin and allen went to louis hse den we play ps2 for quite long... lol san andreas we went to get 6 stars and took a tank and den started flying around wif it lol... den we go play soccer at his void deck lor... haiz... now i dunno wad to do maybe i going allen hse bt i lazy go... ><

8:30 am

Sunday, May 14, 2006

yesterday was like dam boring... wake up change my blog skin keep changing until now pls tell me if tis nice... thx anyways yesterday afternoon went for my guitar lessons... learnt the school of rock song.... so dam easy... waste my time onli... den go macs eat the pepper drumlets.... quite nice la... den came home use more com... den alot of relatives come over to have dinner... got black pepper crab... prawn... japanese curry( dam nice)... tempura... dats bout it lor den went to use more com find diff skins den finally found tis thx to weng lum... so tis morning i juz changed it pls pls pls tell me if nice... cyazzz

10:23 am

Friday, May 12, 2006

haha today was sooo fun we went to escape theme park and sat all the rides man so fun... den we go haunted hse( 1st time) den got tis caucasian kid dam pro sia he got hug the monster and like touch all not scared lor he like 7 years old? den rain sia... wtf.... den geraldine they all queue for the wet and wild for so long den cannot sit HAHA gd for them... jkjk... den we go haunted hse again but den the girls dunno y dun wan go again so me alvin and louis go cuz juz now louis nvr go cuz he scared mah... so now dam farni man we found a vcd player behind the old ghost near the starting part of the hse den we go until the dark dark bridge there den we all jump across la cuz got sumthink on the floor wan den hor got tis ghost chase us sia!!! den louis was like AHHHH!!! den he from behind run all the way to the front den he push me den i look back den i saw the ghost den i oso ran so like every1 ran... -.- louis dam farni sia.... haha... den we go cheers and i tried to buy alcohol den the stupid cashier was like er... boi u cant buy tis... wheres ur ic? den i was like o... ok... den she took the bottle away from me so i was like fuck... den the girls ask tis woman to buy alcohol for them sia... and i din noe until like now...(bianca juz told me...) den the girls decided to go geraldine's hse so me and alvin go call ppl to go play cs... we called edgar and 1 of alvin fren den we play till shiok shiok den we go eat.... den go home lor... the haunted hse was like dam farni though the ghost chase us den we run all the way till the exit sia nvr stop haha... den i home den my mum said she bought the digital cam le ^^ yay... ok i go watch 9pm show cyazzz

9:31 pm

Thursday, May 11, 2006

ok today was stupid... after the stupid cl exam me weng lum and alvin went to j8 for i dunno wad we went to long john silver den eat lunch den got sum bastards come and den started toking very loud and den a bastard block our entrance den i got in den alvin say excuse me den the guy pretend nvr hear lor purposely 1 kao peh man den we eating den they tok until dam frikin loud man so asshole-ish den they got throw tissue paper at the old waitress -.- den we go take neoprint with the gers la stupid lor no space den squeeze until like siao den hor charlotte( the ugly bitch go and put the blue flower image on alvin and my head sia... den another photo is put pink flower on alvin head heng ar nvr put my head... den we dam sian so nth to do... so we call allen ask if we can go his hse lor.... den go allen hse hor so dam cool lor he say his house got nth sia but got pool table sia!!! so cool den got ps2 but we were playing pool for most of the time la so nice i won alvin and louis on my own =D cuz allen was suppose to be my partner but den he use my phone to send a song to his phone so i play to whole match lor ^^ so shuang man... pool dam funny lor weng lum go drop the ball on the floor sia so clumsy de... allen dam pro... his house dam nice lor 3 stories de den got balconey... den at night he can go balconey from his room dunno do wad... lol... tomolo going escape theme park... ok cyazzz

7:18 pm

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

today was ok i guess... yesterday i tot i left my file and sci textbook sumwhere den i on the bus like o fuck o fuck o fuck den i dun care la i juz study test paper den i come sch found dat my file was actualli in the locker and the sci textbook was in the home econs room haha... so today the sci test was kinda easy... den later go tuition so stupid den come home watch scary movie 1... i watched 3 and 4 liao now i gonna watch scary movie 2 ^^ shiok man cyazzz

5:23 pm

Monday, May 08, 2006

those who wanna go escape theme park send me a email or leave a msg at the tag board... tis coming friday hor onli kool ppl allowed =X

4:58 pm

haiz sry every1 was not able to post for the last few days... yesterday went for tuition den 3ppl nvr come... =.= den today the test was so stupid... literature i sit dere fa dai for so long lor.... den ky fa dai 1hr -.- siao lor... today boring la tomolo i think worse wor...

3:52 pm

Friday, May 05, 2006

today art was stupid we had to colour a cow =.= stupid man... den no pe 0.o i saw ms talib teaching other class pe den we no pe lor wtf?... den after dat got chinese den recess den literature den had IT sia den sum1 dunno how open the door lor so stupid =X den go film the skit den nth much realli happen today lor... maybe cuz dat mr lew nvr come and punish us?

2:27 pm

Thursday, May 04, 2006

haha today im gonna type a dam long post so deal wif it today... was like quite fun 1st period was mr lew la den he ask those hu play wif the wrapping paper pls raise ur hand den alot ppl raise la den yesterday he ask me giv him a list of all the ppl dat play so i tick lor onli 2boys nvr play... den 1 ger play sia... den hor he say those hu throw do 50push up den those hu use it to whack ppl muz go hold it above ur head until end of period den i had to hold den nvm den summore after dat gotta do 50push up den i do dat time i look at yong quan den he cheat man he at push up position count lor nvr even go down like once... =.= dat bloody fat ass... den we complain say dat jiayu go into the boys toilet ^^ den she kena lor HAHA funny man... den after math was... sci... den... history... o ya history 5ppl pass the test sia pro not... den sum1 cried... 0.o den literature... den recesss... den... math again den tis time dat stupid geraldine go complain sia say we go burst plastic bags at her den i kena AGAIN... den... alvin nvr realli do anything so he do 10push up den reynold have to jog on the spot den count to 300 den cuz i burst the bag got water on her back den weng lum hit my back den i hit his head.. haha den... we go for english sia english rox lor cuz english exams over liao so ms ilan let us watch jeepers creepers... den we watch until so shuang sia den the guy dun wanna eat the fat lady i noe y sia cuz everything he eat hor will become part of him mah so if he eat the fat lady hor he will become fat fat oso... ah... see i so smart :P den go chinese... den go aesthetics dat fucking brandon la i go help him paint his fries den he go fall in for npcc... den we go 7eleven eat cup noodle den go home... dats bout it lor

3:50 pm

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

today so fun man had... 2 free periods den we play cao ji mi ma den the person hu kena muz do 10 push ups sia... den jia yu went to boyz toilet... nvm de lah she belongs dere anyways... den sheng xun say dat he gonna tell mr lew dat charlotte use hp in class so he tell all the guyz to put the hp in the lockers so we all chiong la den put in alot ppl locker man a lot ppl bring lor... den during recess jun da went to tell mr lew den during maths mr lew confiscate charlotte's hp den she cry man!!! mr lew say wad u have to say for urself den she say may i go to the washroom? 0.o den im like ok... den mr lew ask bianca to go see hows charlotte den she go den jiayu dam extra sia go ask mr lew whether she can go toilet =.= den mr lew say cannot so farni man den brandon and i laf den i kena from mr lew den im like wtf... den later i say to liuxin eh u go have sex wif grenn rite... den he eewww... den i say wif chien nie oso... den he say wow... HAHA hm... y did he say wow ar... den after dat we go watch jeepers creepers... so stupid la got 1 ah ma call the guy den he say fuck u... den every1 ooooooo.... walao nvr hear fuck b4 ar let u hear bah fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!!!!! ok cya nth much liao ok im going... cya... dun miss me too much k? haha

5:14 pm

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

o ya i realli gonna miss ms su man... she like the coolest teacher la haiz too bad she gonna leave us soon... so many ppl leaving us man y muz the good leave so fast?!!! i dunno ok bb

5:53 pm

omg... today so wad sia... we had 3 free periods man song bo! den we play arm wrestling... den during assembly we were told dat tis guy from our skool died... omg... den mdm lau tok so farni man she crying hor den she try hold back den her cheeks like vibrating liddat man!!! but so sad lor he die his name is Jie Cai i think... he died in a car accident... how sad.... den go home lor o ya i changed my skin pls tell me if tis nicer or last time nicer cuz if last time nicer i consider changing back put on the tag board thx ^^

5:20 pm

Monday, May 01, 2006

nice hair...
not as nice as the 1 on top...

12:15 pm

Sunday, April 30, 2006

more blink...
more more blink...
tis guy shuai bo
last blink... haha

3:15 pm

haha cud not blog yesterday so today den i blog lor xP anyways friday was so funny man... we went to burst plastic bags at geraldine den my plastic bag inside got water wan la so she all wet =X den got another plastic bag den we wanna bomb chien nie but den she run until dunno where den me and alvin kena caught by dat ass mr wong... he ass la den all the ger run liao so we go burst the plastic bag on marilyn bag HAHA =D actualli i wanna change jia yu and marilyn pe shirt 1 den when jia yu wear den eh? how come so small den marilyn wear eh? how come so big de haha but den dun wan la later can see jia yu belly den we all puke den how? =X den yesterday went to deyi sec sch wif jerald wister gavin and nicholas haha so farni man! dat stupid wister bluff us lor say ronin coming den nvr come lor so we went to buy bubble tea.. but den no ice so i nvr buy they bought la but i dun wan cuz not cold not nice de.... den we go concert and den all we saw were indian dances and chinese dances and choir lor wtf... den after the choir got a few ppl shout michelle! den gavin went to shout WISTER!!! HAHA den wister de gf up dere sia the choir... den we also shouted her name when she came up again... lol den i went to take mrt home den they dunno say wad the mrt coming liao den nicholas say the mrt cumming liao =.= sick sia juz like me... if u dunno wad is cumming it is actualli ejaculating in other words where the sperm comes out of ur dicky yeah... dats cumming =X ok i go tuition liao fark! late... ok cyazzz ^^

11:25 am

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

haha today was ok i guess i had a water fight wif alvin i took allen's bottle and he took kai yuan's bottle den we started spraying water at each other den the 3 girls le jun marilyn and sum1 i din realli see were like shouting and stuff den we hold 1 bottle den swing swing swing den spray jun da HAHA den nth more interesting liao cya...

4:45 pm

Friday, April 21, 2006

haiz... today art was stupid lor ms tay was like blah! blah! blah! blah! blah! blah! blah! blah! blah! blah! den she ask reynold to clean permenant ink wif his saliva sia den clean like cube cube cube cube... den he look at her until very bu shuang lor she oso very kao peh 1 la den we go for pe den we started throwing BIG!!! HUGE!!! YELLOW!!! BALLS!!! haha den go for boring stuff den go music!!! haha farni man mrs wong went to pull alvin pants until high high den sheng xun and i pull high high 1st den sheng xun went behind mrs wong and started like putting his hand at his head den go above mrs wong head cuz he taller den her den like dam farni lor den... go for science test aiya still ok la the test not say very hard not say very easy lor... den stay back for aesthetics and colour my dam burger den go home den do stuff... den type a post den publish the post on the blog den let u read cya!!!

7:44 pm

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

sian today ms su make me teacher =D haha so stupid den she told us she was leaving =/ haiz so sad hor... much better than dat mdm liang lor she so dam boring... den i went to throw a paper aeroplane den she say dunno wad dun fly by paxton airlines sure crash or wadever crap lor.... den... we went to cook sum weird queen cake for home econs den we went to put 2 extra spoons of sugar and 3extra drops of vanilla sumthink den we dun hav the weird tray so we made like a loaf of cake 0.o taste dam sweet and nice... nth to say liao except mr singh said a lot of alrights today HAHA

6:14 pm

Saturday, April 15, 2006

well... yesterday sux... sch wud hav be much better... nth realli much to say bout yesterday except dat my modem got confiscated and i found it tis morning dat y im like writting a post lor... =( hope today goes better bah...

9:15 am

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

haha today was so farni sia grenn practically slept through the whole day la like during every period her head on the table even when she siting in front of the class lor haha den we said dat during history if she sleep hor den mr singh will go infront of her and like shout "EH GRENN!!! WAKE UP!!!" den she will jump and den her hand will slap his face LOL so farni den after sch the erhu ppl and bianca and kok shin and me stay back den we play chao ji mi ma den we made weng lum hav "sex" wif the class cupboard and kok shin to lick the tip ofgrenn's bottle and me to lick grenn's seat... wtf man... den bianca had to... kiss yong quan's table after i did sumthink to it... HAHA guess wazzit ba lol dats bout all ba and i almost forgot i hacked into bianca's handphone and i also broke her pink bear... oppss... hehe andways dats realli bout all cya...!

9:52 pm

Saturday, April 08, 2006

haizz sports day was ok lor i went to chase brandon during pe and fell and sprained my ankle... den 11.10 we left sch leh so nice... den went to macs and den saw 4 girls (marilyn... jiayu... charlotte) and a lesbian (grenn) haha shhh den we eat eat eat.... tok tok tok play play play walk walk walk den reach stadium lor den reynold junda and lejun ran la... all lost... >< den got cheer competition lor den ok nia den hor the student council won 1st place den ncc kena pump 100 cuz they nvr get top 3 places leh den dat edgar and sheng xun kena la but i realli pity sheng xun cuz of his size den hav to do 100.. den 1st was student council 2nd wads npcc 3rd i 4get liao den we were telling jokes lor so fun... den tis morning i went to the chinese doctor den he press press my leg i pain pain a while den come back lor... so sian and also yesterday during ms tay period we were stuffing little paper balls down yong khuang's pants haha den he found out den sheng xun take a lot of paper balls and stuff it down his ass den use the the ruler realli stuff it ALL THE WAY IN sia... den we gave him a tail too haha...

10:52 am

Monday, March 27, 2006

lol nvr blog for so long... sian leh... dat day got learning carnival den go everywhere la go church go mosque go temple go hindu temple... walao the hindu temple is dam sick la but not as sick as me =X anyways the ceiling got a pic of a naked guy den his dik dam sharp lor haha! den got tis black thingy sticking out of a standing thing den kai yuan and i were saying it was a black pen-is haha den when we go back mr lew told us dat it was for worshipping the guys part... -.- kai yuan got six sense de 0.o anyways i going out now cya ^^

10:14 am

Saturday, March 18, 2006

hey... go check out my band's site click on the link below... anyway yesterday nvr post cuz went to jerald's hse to sleep over den went to escape theme park haha so farni... we went to play go cart den dat loser jerald kena from 1 of the ppl cuz he doesn't noe how to brake =.= den went to the haunted hse den 1 guy went to whack the ghost when it came out haha so farni den sum thingy grabbed his leg den he kik it till it spoil 0.o haha stupid la all the nice rides all closed 1 haiz... cya

7:25 pm

Thursday, March 16, 2006

hey... juz came back from the disney on ice thingy... the stuff there was like dam ex la 1 pathetic hot dog bun for like $6 1 small coke for like $3 and like 1 bucket of popcorn for like $16?!! stupid sia... the show was ok nia... not realli dat gd... dun realli recomend u to waste $43 on it though... so sian i go watch da chang jin le la... cya nitezzz

10:02 pm

walao... had such a nice dream den my lil bro woke me up sia... stupid ass den had to go sum farni place play miniature golf at sum strange place beside big splash... den when we farking got there at like 10? the farking place was farking booked by sum farking 7year olds till like 1 la wtf lor... den like we went sum places to do nth den go back so stupid... den play till so boring... but kept laffing at my sucky lil bro cuz the less hits the better rite? so he got like 15 hits for a hole la den when we total up he got the highest which means the lousiest la den hes like yay! i got highest den we were like oi idiot the lowest is the best la gundo den hes like o... hehe den obviously i won rite... so obvious... haha no la my bigger bro won =/ anyway we stupid father make me accompany my lil bro to disney on ice later and im like WTF MAN!!! DISNEY ON ICE?! DATS LIKE MY FAV SHOW!!! NOT!!! so im like gonna bully him at the show later and i gtg now... cya later had such a stupid day... i guess the best part was... 4get it im not gonna say it here the 2nd best part was when jerald told me dat marcus was gonna join our band as the drummer so like we finally got a complete band not like sum idiots trying to play without a drummer haha den i hav to like hold the mike for him when he sings la treat me like a dog... =( okok i realli gtg cya!!! ^^

3:37 pm

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

so sad... maple down for almost the whole day... den the stupid thing says 2pm wil be done until now oso cannot... irritating sia... haiz... haven even touch my holiday hw yet lehs =X haha... h8 maple!!! =(

5:58 pm

yay got new blog... now i dunno wad to do =D dunno wad to write here lehs.. hehe

11:12 am

just created a new blog... hope you like it... feel free to look around... XD

10:39 am